Manager - Automation, ACG Capsules

Date: Sep 7, 2024

Location: Mumbai, India

Company: ACG

Group Company

ACG Capsules

Primary Responsibilities

Strategy & Planning
•    Prepare a draft of the annual digitalization & automation project implementation plan in consultation with the relevant stakeholders.
•    Create a project specific implementation plan in line with the annual digitalization & automation plan.


•    Analyse digitalization & automation opportunities from a business perspective to prioritise initiatives for implementation.
•    Work jointly with key stakeholders to identify pros and cons at an operational level and accordingly arrive at a feasible solution for implementation.
•    Collaborate with SMEs to create the URS for digitalization & automation project and validating the various solutions.
•    Vendor identification, Vendor co-ordination and Vendor management for the digitalization & automation projects. New Vendor Development in consultation with the procurement team, if required.
•    Provide a digital solution in streamlining processes.
•    Customise the standard offerings of the vendors to meet our requirements.
•    Plan and drive the pilot implementation of the digitalization & automation projects along with the identified core team.
•    Review any new proposed project layout for new sites from digitalization & automation perspective and suggest changes to CPT/ TTT.
•    Collaborate with Projects team members in execution & site supervision activities for various projects. Help in finalization of various contracts & purchase orders.
•    Interface with TTT/ Operations/ CPT for knowledge transfer upon completion of pilot digitalization & automation projects for future.
•    Review all the SOPs/ documents that are impacted by digitalization & automation projects and modify/ create the same for future reference and seamless handover.
Internal Processes
•    Conduct and participate in regular review meetings with various stakeholders
•    Update the Project MIS on a regular basis to track and monitor the implementation of identified project activities
•    Update and release Project dashboards on a regular basis. 
•    Create Project roadmaps before initiating any project

Key Result Areas

  • Identify and assess various digitalization & automation opportunities to improve operational efficiencies and achieve desired cost benefit. Design and develop solutions with SMEs and vendors for identified opportunities.
  • Examine and implement solutions for various common areas of digitalization & automation across plants which are identified and agreed with relevant stakeholders in order to achieve business requirement.

Key Interfaces

  • Plan vs actual (timelines, activities, benefit)
  • Process adherence
  • No. of opportunities recommended and agreed with relevant stakeholders
  • Converting the identified opportunities into actions


TPM & pillar handling capabilities
Project Management
Has the candidate displayed any of the Values (Caring/Collaborative/Progressive) during the discussions?
Stakeholder Management
Six Sigma Certification
Knowledge on 4IR
Analytical Skills
Knowledge of Minitab & Tools